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Error when itemtype xml definition is missing

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


A colleague of mine got the error message attached when he was trying to browse (on his local copy of the site) a page that contains an itemtype paragraph. But he didn't have the itemtype xml definition locally and therefore this error occured. We are running DW v.9.3.11 and I have newer until now seen this errormessage in this situation. It would be nice if you instead of this .Net error would output an errormessage that explains the cause of the error. Thanks in advance.



Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov


The issue is not reproduced on last DW944 has been recently released, any content (page, paragraph) becomes to regular one correctly and vice versa with any synchronyze option in MC-CP-Item settings. So, it was already fixed on a DW version higher than yours.    

BR, Oleg QA 


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