Hi i'm making a new website for a client.
I'm trying to make an SQL query that outputs a list of Ecommerce orders, based on bought products, make sense?
I got a SQL query that looks like this (from the old website)
SELECT * FROM joom2.fkwhv_virtuemart_orders orders LEFT JOIN fkwhv_users users ON orders.virtuemart_user_id = users.id LEFT JOIN fkwhv_virtuemart_order_items items ON orders.virtuemart_order_id = items.virtuemart_order_id WHERE orders.created_on LIKE "%2017%" AND orders.order_status = "S" ORDER BY users.email
This SQL gives the following output showed on the attached file "orderlist.jpg" (some fields blurred, email addresses etc.)
Dows this make any sense, it's hard to describe...