Hi, I'm a DynamicWeb Newbie, but comfortable in SQL and C#.
My question is what it takes to build a reusabel list of orders/orderlines with a certain status, ordered by customers with a specific company relationship.
I could imagine a dropdown where the shopowner picks one company from a a list generated by this SQL:
SELECT DISTINCT [AccessUserCompany] FROM [AccessUser]
..or a similar C# Linq expression, if the framework contains ORM objects for users.
The list to be generated would then hold the result of this query (or equivalent Linq expression):
SELECT U.[AccessUserName], O.[OrderID], O.[OrderDate], OL.[OrderLineProductNumber], OL.[OrderLineProductName], OL.[OrderLineQuantity] FROM [AccessUser] U INNER JOIN [EcomOrders] O ON O.[OrderCustomerAccessUserID] = U.[AccessUserID] INNER JOIN [EcomOrderLines] OL ON OL.[OrderLineOrderID] = O.[OrderID] WHERE U.[AccessUserCompany] = @PickedCompany AND O.[ORDERDELETED] = 0 AND O.[OrderTransactionStatus] = 'Succeeded' AND O.[OrderComplete] = 'True' AND O.[OrderStateID] = 'OS2' AND OL.[OrderLineType] = 0 ORDER BY U.[AccessUserID], OL.[OrderLineProductNumber] ASC
It would be great if the result could be grouped by AccessUserName.
Can this be achieved using lists, or does it take development of modules?
I have a running DynamicWeb site running on my Dev machine from VS2017.
Production site is running DW 9.3.11
Kind regards