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Image Patterns

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar



I am trying to configure Image Patterns to work with a hybrid scenario of products with and without variants using the documentation from and I have the following challenges:


  1. I can easilly set {ProductNumber]}.jpg, but I cannot get it to work with wildcards
    Could it be a bug?
  2. Considering Apparel, the product may not have a number (SKU), so I was planning to create a custom field (i.e. File Name pattern) that would be used for image pattern
    This avoids creating dummy ProductNumbers for the sake of the UI/image patterns. The documentation does not say we can use custom fields, but I wanted to confirm (I tried it and did not get it to work with some quick attempts)
    Is this doable?
  3. I tried to setup the Variant Level Option field and could not get it to work
    1. You can see in this screencast I did not place any dash or underscore between the fields in the pattern
    2. This enables me to have products images for products without variants match {ProductNumber} if the variant is empty or null
      However product images with variants would either be hard to read or the variant name would have to be "-Blue"
      Considering that, could we have a variant option property be part of the pattern?
      i.e. {VariantOptionLevel1.PropertyField}
      This allows option "Black" to match "BLK" as part of the filename


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar


Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Bump! Any ideas?

Nicolai Pedersen

Sorry, no... Trial and error...

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


I will post a feature request for Image Patterns. We managed to get something to work nicelly, and I heard from Soren Jensen you guys are working on something for this, so I may have some ideas to contribute.



Nicolai Pedersen

Yes, we are looking into a new and easier way to work with images. Problem with image patterns is that they can be slow in some situations because it searches the filesystem a lot.

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Nicolai,


Yes, for sure they can be slow with wildcards, if not properly targetted. What if we "force" image patterns to be under a specific structure? We typically do /Files/Images/{DesignName-Or-ProjectName}/Products which narrows it down. Does not solve the issue, but helps address it. And I guess in the backend it's solvable with ajax, or timeout after a few miliseconds prompting the user to load more. The problem is generating the tags appropriately. 


If I think of something I'll let you know, but the underlying problem is a bummer.




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