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Image Setting effect on performance

Tin Ma Ma


When I set Image Settings active , the system keeps creating images .

So it's taking up the CPU memory .

Please adivse me is there anyway to resize the images in folder.

I am using Rapido Beta 1 and Application(9.3.5).



Tin Ma Ma


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Tin

Where and how do you set that setting?

BR Nicolai

Choi Mei

Hi Nicolai,

I'm Tin's colleague who has used this functionality too.

The image settings she mentioned is under Files\Images\Image Setiings. After this is activated, the system keeps on churning out images which has caused the server's CPU usage to go up to almost 100% and the image folder concerned hang. In fact, the whole website hangs. 


Choi Mei

Nicolai Pedersen

Thanks for clarifying.

Can you provide us with a screen dump of your settings. And also let me know how many subfolders and images you have in there?

The feature works in a way so if there is already created a thumbnail, it will not create one again. But when browsing the filearchive, it will check for missing thumbnails - that works well with a limited amount of images. But if you have thousands or so, it will take time (and CPU). It should not generate the images over and over again.

You might also want to verify why you need this feature turned on? Usually most solutions uses GetImage.asxh (Image handler) to create smaller versions of images.

BR Nicolai

Choi Mei

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your reply.

As requested, the screenshots are attached. There is only one folder used. There were 471 images iniitially.

The intention is to create images with postfix Small, Medium and Large, as well as to adjust the dimensions accordingly.

One of my colleagues mentioned that in the last version, the image settings was working fine but not in Rapido.


Choi Mei


ImagesCreated1.jpg ImagesCreated2.jpg ImageSetting1.jpg ImageSetting2.jpg
Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Choi


This is not related to Rapido. This is strictly Dynamicweb.

The problem here is that you have setup the system to create thumbnails of all images in the folder /Images/TestTaf/. But you have also configured the system to put all the thumbnails into the same folder, which results in more images in that folder that then needs thumbnails and it will never stop - ever. It is an endless loop.

So you have to fill out the "Put in subfolder" text box with something. I.e. Small, Medium, Large and then the system will generate thumbnails to the subfolder only.

But again, I would recommend that you consider using GetImage instead - it seems like you just need the images in different sized for the frontend, and that would be easier to accomplish with getimage.

Hope this clarifies.

BR Nicolai


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