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Different Navigation depth for different trees

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I am looking for a solution to list a different number of navigation levels for each tree (in this case meaning different level 1 pages).

The reson I have this request is that we need to list 3 levels of navigation. That can be easily accoplished by setting the end prameter in the navigation call to 3. But the problem comes from one of the level 1 nodes that have a lot pof pages at level 3. 3000+ articles.

I know I can filter the nodes in the XSLT (which I already did) but the effort of generating the XML file just to filter 99% of it seems unreasonable.

I know there is something called NavigationProvider and I am looking into this option as an alternative. My question is whether I can use a property on the Level 1 page to determine how many levels deep each tree will go. Or any other option that can get me to the same result.

Thank you,



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

There is no such option currently... A better solution would probably be to re-organize the tree. I.e. move the articles to a folder or something like that.

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you for the response.

No way we can reorganize the pages. It's the natural flow of data.

I was hoping this could be turned into a feature request :)

Can this be done with a NavigationProvider?

Any chance this would be possible in the future by using the Razor Navigation?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Adrian

NavigationProvider will sit on top of the page navigation, so you would still have the pages there. Just even more... So that does not sound like a viable option.

Razor navigation would maybe solve it. There is no XML, just a navigation tree with all items in it, and if you do not loop into that node, no rendering is done - or data created.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Thank you very much.

It makes sense.

I will be waiting for the Razor Navigation then.

Thank you,


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