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Multiple files on frontend upload

Casper Andersen

Hi Everyone

I am having some issues connecting my file upload to my item.

I have added a property with the name Files and type of file.

i have checked so fileupload on frontend is allowed and set max files to 5.

Then i have created an input on my template, with type files and multiple set to true. But for some reason they are not working together?


Nicolai Pedersen

Maybe this can help you out:

If not, show us your template.

Thanks, Nicolai

Casper Andersen

Hi Nicolai


Thanks a lot for the information, i ended up solving it though, i had in my mind thought that just adding what came from the input was enough, but since i'm uploading to / creating a codefirst item, i figured i should probably handle uploading to server by myselv, so i did that with standard c# code and then i just passed the file location seperated by commas to the file property and it worked perfectly!


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