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Order confirmation email customorderfield

Casper Andersen

Hi Everyone

I would like to know how to get a custom order field's value in my Email template that is sent out when the order arrives in the system.

i have searched several places online and found different things but none of them worked.


Regards Casper Andersen


Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov
This post has been marked as an answer


You should use specific tags defined in MC-Ecommerce-Orders-Order fields-[an your order field] in line with the explanation within context of cart or order flow. You can fill the tag by a data in cart rendering (e.g. via 'Information' template) and get the data in confirmation email on order creating (the cart paragraph settings-Notification email section) or appropriate order flow defined as default (MC-Ecommerce-Order-Order flows). I've tested the both features on DW9.3.9  - received mail has correct tag data in the both cases.

BR, Oleg QA   

Votes for this answer: 1
Casper Andersen

Hi all

Old post i know, but i just wanted to thank Oleg for his correct answer.

I did not understand it at the time, but after doing some looking around today and found that if i called my field salutations, all i had to do was write

@salutations and everything works, so thanks a lot for the correct answer Oleg :)


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