I have started to upgrade to DW), but I need help with the handling the PopupWindow control that seems to have disapeard.
I have extremly many add-ins that are loaded by code similar to this:
RibbonBarButton button = new RibbonBarButton();
button.Image = icon;
button.Size = iconSize;
PopUpWindow popup = new PopUpWindow();
popup.ID = title.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
popup.AutoReload = true;
popup.ShowHelpButton = false;
popup.ShowOkButton = false;
popup.CancelText = cancelText;
if (height > 0)
popup.Height = height;
button.Text = popup.Title = title;
popup.ContentUrl = contenturl;
button.OnClientClick = PopUpWindow.GetClientMethodCall(popup, PopUpWindowMethod.Show);
But now I can not find the control for this anymore. Because we have an huge amount of controls loaded this way it is not ok that this functionality seems to have disapeared.
Is it hidden somehere else, or replaced with some other control? How do I fix it?