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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Uncaught Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, and not [object Undefined]

Uncaught Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, and not [object Undefined]


While trying to create an "Item Creator" on a page (following this guide: (creating items from frontend)) i cant create the App. While entering all the values, and klicking save or close & save nothing is registered and i get this error in the console:

Uncaught Sortable: `el` must be HTMLElement, and not [object Undefined]

How do i fix this? What is wrong?



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi David

This is TFS#41216 that has been fixed and part of 9.3.7 - it is caused by a change in Chrome. You need to upgrade, clear cache and try again, or use i.e. Firefox.

BR Nicolai


Ok! How do i update? I cant find a guide in the documentation. 

When navigating to settings->updates i get this page: 

Nicolai Pedersen

If you are hosted locally, go download the new version and install that following the install guide.

If you are hosted by Dynamicweb/Hostnordic, you can go to Setting->Web&Http->Version and choose an upgrade there.

The package exception is send to QA for fixing (Think it is due to your setup)

BR Nicolai


The install guide isnt really clear on how to update.

My guess is to copy the files from the new zip and overwrite the original files in the "DW9Local\Applications\Application(9.3.5)"-folder? See the image..

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi David

It is true that the manual does not cover that explicitly - i've asked our technical write to add a paragraph on updating.

It is probably better to unzip the new download and use the new folder as home directory so you do not have a folder called 9.3.5 with a 9.3.6 release in it.

BR Nicolai


If i just point to the new folder in the IIS, it wants to install Dynamic Web when i browse to my site.. So how do i keep all my content? What is best practice when updating? I dont want to restart the project everytime i need to update Dynamic Web.

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi David

Usually you would have /Files in a drive for it self - using a virtual directory in IIS for /Files. Then you can do this. All of this is covered in the installation guide.

So you have to move your /Files from the old folder to the new one. Or change your setup according to installation guide.

BR Nicolai


It worked with the File-folder! 

However now i get this error when trying to edit an Item Type:

Nicolai Pedersen

Make sure you empty your browser cache...

Dynamicweb Employee
Carsten Boll

Hi guys - I wrote a small article on upgrading a solution.


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