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Email subscribe - multiple newsletters

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


I have setup a page for newsletter signup (Email Marketing). On the page I have set up a paragraph with the Extranet app and these app settings:

  • Create profile / Manage subscription = selected
  • Create user - Template = "email_subscribe.html" (the standard template)
  • Create user - Approval = "By user"
  • Create user - User selectable groups = Three existing user groups (Group1, Group2, Group3)
  • Create user - Update existing users based on email match = selected
  • Create user - User email for user name = selected

In the template "email_subscribe.html" I have added code (the loop "SelectableGroups" and the field "UserManagement:User.SelectableGroup.Input") to render the three user groups selected in the "User selectable groups" app setting. Now a user on the frontend can signup to multiple user groups which I will use for different newsletters in Email Marketing. This works as I expect. But if a user which has already signed up for eg. "Group1" now signs up for "Group2" (same email address) the user looses his membership of "Group1". I thougt that the app setting "Update existing users based on email match" would update the user and the users group relations. Am I wrong here or is this a bug?


Nicolai Pedersen

Well - it depends on how you see it.

If you submit 1 of 3 options checked, that is what you want. If you wanted both checked, you would have checked both options. Otherwise I cannot change my subscription to not have one of the options in it... That would also be a bug. It would be the same as if they specified 2 different names, the database would hold "Name of one, Name of 2" or something like that.

I would argue that if you have a user that is so keen to get newsletters, they will also figure out to login and change their subscription...

It is also possible to do a notification subscriber and do the update in that way.

The alternative is to get yet another setting to handle this.

BR Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

We will solve the problem using a notification subscriber. But I would very much like a new setting for the app to handle update of user group relations (when the app is used for managing newsletter subscriptions). Will you register this as a feature request? Thank you in advance smiley


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