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Purging ecommerce statistics

André van der Zijden


For a customer I am trying to purge the ecommerce statistics. The reports you find in ecommerce -> statistics -> Products and then specifically the Product Sale, the Product Group Count and the most critical items reports. Even though in the solution report all statistics seem to have been purged, these statistics are still populated.

We're using version 9.2.9 for this solution.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

André van der Zijden


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi André

The statistics purge is related to the data in database called statv2session and has nothing to do with ecommerce statistics. Ecommerce stats are related to ecommerce data in EcomOrder table especially. All reports in ecommece statistics is based directly on the product and order data, so you cannot remove the stats without removing the original data. But you have date selectors that should limit the i.e. sales report data to what have happened in the selected period.

BR Nicolai

Mannon Wekking

Hi Nicolai, 

Where can we set the date selectors in the ecommerce statistics? As far as I can see I can't change the time period. Can you show it in an screenshot?

Hope to hear from you soon. 

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking


Mannon Wekking

Hi Nicolai, 

Can you give an answer?

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mannon.

See dump.



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