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Deployment of items from database

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup



I am trying to figure out how to get items from the database deployed with the new deployment tool? Does anyone know how that works?


Best regards, Anders


Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

Hi Anders,

Is it items or is it something else?

Items are automatically transferred when you deploy areas, pages and paragraphs (Settings > Developer > Deployment > Content).

If you are trying to transfer raw data from some table then you can create a custom configuration and use the SqlDataItemProvider. Something like this...

<DataGroup Id="MyDataGroup">
    <DataItemType Id="MyData" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Sql.SqlDataItemProvider">
        <Parameter Name="Table" Value="MyCustomTable" />

The configuration should be placed in the folder /Files/System/Deployment/DataGroups

Documentation is here:

Best regards,

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Hi Morten,


I am trying to deploy only the item structures which is defined in the database, and this does not seem to do the trick as it is for files:


    <DataItemType Id="ItemTypes" Name="Item types" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Files.FilesDataItemProvider">
        <Parameter Name="RecursiveSearch" Value="false" />
        <Parameter Name="TargetPath" Value="/Files/System/Items" />

Should I use another provider?

Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson

You should be able to do that using the SqlDataItemProvider...

<DataItemType Id="ItemTypesDatabase" Name="Item types (database)" ProviderTypeName="Dynamicweb.Deployment.DataItemProviders.Sql.SqlDataItemProvider">
    <Parameter Name="Table" Value="ItemTypeDefinitions" />


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