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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Deployment tool on local solution not working

Deployment tool on local solution not working

Harald Brouwers


We are running a DW 9.3.2 solution and the development of the site takes place on our local machines (local IIS).

We frequently need to update our staging environment (from local to staging). But when we try to add the desired destination withing deploymenttool, we get the following error:

Kristian Krikholt adviced us to delete the xml file in  / system / deployment / destination , but unfortunately that has no effect.

Any idea's how to get the deploymenttool working?

Greetings Harald


Nicolai Pedersen

Can we see the EXACT URL you are trying connect to?

Harald Brouwers

Hi Nicolai,

The exact url is:

It's the same core version (aka a manual deploy of the local site).


Nicolai Pedersen

Can you find some information in \Files\System\Diagnostics\Deployment\* log files?

BR Nicolai

Harald Brouwers

Hi Nicolai,

Unfortunately that folder is empty.

In the \Files\System\Diagnostics\ folder, there are repository logs present, so I assume DW has write permissions.


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