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Batch Integration Scheduled Task disappearing

Mikkel Ulstrup



I created a custom BatchIntegrationScheduledTaskAddin, but i kept disappearing when I saved it. It seems that the code is looking for some hardcoded names, when displaying the collection of tasks.

Found in ScheduledTasks_cpl.aspx.vb:

Dim IntegrationFrameworkBatchTasks() As String = {"ImportPerfionImagesAddIn", "ADImportDataAddIn", "ExportDataAddin", "ImportDataAddIn", "ImportDataCustomRequestAddIn"}

For Each tsk As Task In tasks.Where(Function(task) If(IsIntegretionFrameworkBanchLocation, IntegrationFrameworkBatchTasks.Any(Function(name) task.Assembly.Contains(name)), True))

So, if I name my custom addin something else, the task won't be displayed in the administration.


Dynamicweb 9.3.x


Best regards

Mikkell Ulstrup


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Mikkel,
That is a bug, tfs# 40362 created. The task is created in the database, so as a workaround you can find it on the other pages:
Settings->Integration->Scheduled tasks or Settings->Scheduled tasks and run/edit it from there.
Regards, Dmitrij

Mikkel Ulstrup

Thank you.

I have named my assembly according to one of the hardcodet names :)



Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Mikkel

The problem TFS#40362 "Batch Integration Scheduled Task disappearing" has now been fixed in version 9.3.5

You are able to find this build in the download section:

Please contact Dynamicweb Support if you need any additional help regarding this.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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