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Rapido code interfering with our own CSS and Less

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi guys,

We're running into some issues which seem related to the Rapido stuff you've been adding. Firstly, whenever I try to save the Area settings, I get the following exception: "You are importing a file ending in .less that cannot be found [configs.less]." (full details in attached screenshot). We have this file in our Designs/DesignName/Css folder and it's referenced from subfolders. Because of the way we build our bundles, this works for us, but apparently breaks on your code.

The second problem is that we get new .less files in our CSS files (for example which breaks our compilation process. Our CSS bundler has an option to exclude certain files but I rather not have these files to begin with.

Can we override / stop the generation of these files from the settings somehow, bypassing both these problems?




Steffen Kruse Hansen Dynamicweb Employee
Steffen Kruse Hansen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Imar,

I just need to make sure that you are trying to achive, so we can make the best solution...

1) You have your own less-files, where you use an non-Dynamicweb less compiler to compile the CSS, and you don't want to use the design from Rapido, or use the variables generated from the Website settings?


2) Do you want to use the styling from Rapido (including the configuration from the Website settings), but also want to include your own custom styling in some specific places?

If 1) then for a quick fix, you could go to Files/Templates/ and find the 'Less_XX.config' files, where XX is your websiteID. If you open these files, you will see an XML structure, and if you remove the value of 'DesignName', then it shouldn't generate the or compile the CSS. I'm going to implement an 'Enabled' tag in the config file, so it's more intuitive.

On the otherhand if you are working with 2), I need to know some more about where you located your files, and maybe even get a copy of the design folder.

Best regards


Votes for this answer: 1
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Thanks Steffen. It was #1, and taking out the design name made the .NET exception go away and stopped generating the .less variable file.

Still, an Enabled flag makes sense. Especially since this is mostly Rapido related but also runs on other sites.




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