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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Where to find the users that are coupled to a user prifile in personalization?

Where to find the users that are coupled to a user prifile in personalization?

Mannon Wekking


If you have created user profiles in de marketing module, how can you see which users belong to this profile?

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

You cannot - because how would you at this time be able to show a list of users that are logged in and already visited the site before? The user will not login or visit the website again before they actually go to the website...?

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Mannon Wekking

Hi Nicolai, 

But is it possible to see if a user visited the website, in what profile he belongs?

Kind regards, 


Nicolai Pedersen

No, that is to be found in statistics table.

In statv2session there is a field called [Statv2SessionPrimaryProfile] and [Statv2SessionSecondaryProfile] - and also a field called [Statv2SessionExtranetUserId]. The [Statv2SessionExtranetUserId] contains the id of the user.

If you add one or 2 custom fields on the user for primary and secondary profiles, you can create a sql that will update those fields from stat table - and schedule it.

Only issue is that the field will contain a "Profile reference" which is something like "A4o3C0Y9CpcE" - what the profile is called can be found in the xml files found in \Files\System\OMC\Profiles.

so a little quirks, but can be done.

BR Nicolai


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