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Frontend editing and HTTPS

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


I have a website which in the Website app is set to "Force SSL". But then frontend editing does not work. When clicking "Frontend editing" in the backend the page is opened with HTTP and not HTTPS. This somehow makes the frontend editing functionality not work.

Running DW v9.2.17


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Lars

You have to enforce that /Admin also runs in https. You can do that in MC->Solution settings->Force ssl on /Admin

Also you should upgrade to 9.3.2

BR Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

Yes, I have already tried forceing SSL on the Admin. But this is not an option in my case. This is because there are two websites (different domains) in the solution. And it is only one of the websites that is set to run HTTPS (only one certificate - for the exact domaine). Therefore it's not possible to enter the Admin with the domain that is not SSL secured with out a security warning in the browser, which confuses the editors. So how can I fix this problem? I know the problem could be fixed by having one more certificate. Is that the way to go? Or are there another solution?

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


Is bug 39126 related to this problem?

Nicolai Pedersen

They are probably related. It also says that on the bug report :-)

BR Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Yeah have seen it on the bug report but was not sure if it's the same problem.


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