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Frontend editing of text and long text fields

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


I have an itemtype based page with three fields: a text, a long text and a richtext field. When doing frontend editing of the page only the field of type richtext is editable. But in the documentation it says that all three text type fields should be editable. Why can't I edit text and long text fields?

Running DW9.2.17


Nicolai Pedersen

Hm, send to QA for clarification.

BR Niclai

Oleg Rodionov Dynamicweb Employee
Oleg Rodionov

Hi Lars,

I've tested my environment based on admin as you have mentioned and I have good results with frontend editing of item based page and item based paragraph, proof here -

Appropriate fields of the item type should be enabled to edit as follows (except Rich type):


Edit configurtion used - Default. The same results are on 93 recently released.

BR, Oleg QA

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Oleg

I didn't know about the "Editable" part of tagnames. Why is it only richtext fields that Dynamicweb automatically handles when doing frontend editing? What is best practice for handing text and long text fields in templates when doing frontend editing. Is this the way to do it?

@if (Dynamicweb.Base.Request("FrontendEditingState") == "edit")

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


Why is it only richtext fields that Dynamicweb automatically makes editable when doing frontend editing? Why do I have to make text and long text fields editable in the templates? I can't see the meening of this. 

If I really have to make text and long text fields editable in the templates what is best practice for this?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Lars

I do not have an answer for that. I can see it is specified like that once in 2014 and been untouched since... .Editable is only there if frontend editable state is active, so you should test on that instead - that .Editable has a value.

BR Nicolai

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Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Nicolai

Thanks for the clarification. It would be nice if text and long text fields automatically were made editable like richtext fields does. If it was possible to disable editable for fields on an itemtypes and it was possible to disable editable in templates (eg. @Item.FieldName.DisableEditable) it would be perfect. This is a feature request ;-)

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I cant get this to work. How do I activate .Editable to the fields so they are editable in Frontend editing?


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