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Undesired Cart sharing between users

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

I have a strange behavior on one of our solutions. It is running 9.2.14 and it is based on Wrap.

The setup is pretty standard and it involves users posting a quote request, the backend admin approving it, then the user transforms the approved quote into an order.

So far so good.

However, my customer pointed out some cases where the cart content of the logged in user is different than the actual content of the cart. The cart displays sometimes the content of another user's cart. usually the cart that is based on an approved quote. And I am talking about authenticated users not anonymous.

I initially suspected some sort of caching on my customer's noetwork but immediately after that I could reproduce it on my computer as well.

Any idea what might cause this mix in the cart content?





Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

A small note. It seems to happen ONLY for carts created from a Quote and the Quote has the OrderCustomerAccessUserID correctly saved on it.

Maybe this helps.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

You need to explain this: "some cases where the cart content of the logged in user is different than the actual content of the cart." What is the difference between the cart and the cart?

I need some screen dumps  or some data...

BR Nicolai

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Sorry for the confusion. 

I am logged in with a user and I see the cart content of another user.

i nave noticed that this happens only (or mostly) for situations where a cart is created based on a quote.

For example, I am logged in as user1, I add to cart something but when I go to the cart, instead of viewing what I have just added to my cart, I see the cart of another user that just converted a quote into a cart.

I know it is a weird outcome and I am wondering if there something wrong in my setup. I have looked averywhere I could think of and I found nothing unusual except for this Quote-to-Cart conversion that's outside of my previous experience.

The Quote based cart has the right information about the user ID, I am authenticated with another user, wich means I should not see that quote cart, no matter what setup I make in the templates or otherwise.

Might have something to do with being authenticated in the backend as well?



Nicolai Pedersen

We need a video/steps to reproduce and a link to the solution. This sounds like a mix of users on the same browser and convert anonymous carts when users logs in.

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Nicolai,

Unfortunately I don't have a dev version and for solving the issue I have checked the Isolation Cart option.
So far it seems to have solved the issue but it might be just temporary.

I will try to record a video after later today when there is not much activity on the site.




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