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Rich text code-first configuration DW9

Justin Breg


There is some documentation regarding code-first rich text editor. It says there is a parameter which allows me to choose another config. (see screenshot)

I'd really like to know which parameter... Looks like ConfigurationID is the one I need, but how do I retrieve my configurationID?




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Justin

You can find the Editor configurations in the table EditorConfiguration in the database. You can get an instance of an editor by calling Dynamicweb.Extensibility.TextEditorAddIn.GetTextEditorAddIn - the API does not support getting a list of all configurations for some reason...

You can get the complete list of editors from the usermanagement module: Dynamicweb.Modules.UserManagement.EditorConfiguration.GetAllEditorConfigurations()

BR Nicolai


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