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Product Category Fields performance issue

Thaw Htun Lynn


We are using a number of product category fields for product group because each product group can have different set of product fields. We have a product catalog page, first, display all the product groups and user can click on product group to see the product family (sub product group) page where all the product category fields are listed in the table on that page.

We are facign performance issue when we are going into parent product category page where we only display the product group image and name. Sometimes, it is taking like 15 mins for the usre to open up the page but sometimes, it is only taking like 1 mins. When i enable debug log (please refer to the attachment), i notice that there are alot of sql calls made to get all the product category groups. Is there any way to imporve the performance of this page? I've tried setting the index builder parameter to skyp the category fields but it doesn't resovled the performance issue. Kindly advise if there is any way that i can try to improve the performance of this issue. Thank you.

Dynamicweb version: 9.2.12

BR, Thaw



Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Thaw,


We've had a similar issue in the past. The index only returns the AutoIDs from the DB, so the product catalogue module is trying to get all product category information anyway.


Here's what I suggest:

  • Remove all product category field (and group) references from the product list
  • If that fixes it, you may want to re-think the fields you use in the product list - one option is to turn them into product fields instead


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thaw and Nuno

Setting product category field values on the group is a feature that has caused a lot of issues - and will be totally removed in 9.3.

In this case you use it for something that it is not - and we have not designed for it, that might be the issue.

So I think the only solution is to find another way of implementing the feature.

BR Nicolai

Thaw Htun Lynn

Hi Nicolai and Nuno,

Thank you for your advice but it is now a bit difficult to change the solution design as the customer has already imported alot of the product family group data and are doing the testing on the system. I will discuss with my team to find other possible ways to fix this issue.

Best regards,


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thaw

Unfortunately the only fix is to make a change.

For group fields, you should use the group field feature - otherwise it can impose some issues. Then I know you might get some additional fields on each group, but that is what we support currently.


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