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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Proper Usage of a User Smart Search Rule

Proper Usage of a User Smart Search Rule

Richard  D. Lee
Richard D. Lee

Hi All,

I was hoping that one of you may be able to guide me in the proper usage of a User Smart Search rule. I am trying to identify customers who have purchased product X for the time being since Jan 1st 2017. In the attached screenshot, I have a pair of rules where both must apply. One identifies the product purchased and the other identifies the date of the purchase (from Jan 2nd to today). I recognize that the Product Bought Timestamp does not know which product I am referring to.

I'm running version





Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Richard

If this rule does not work, I am not sure you can make that search...

Richard  D. Lee
Richard D. Lee

Hi Nicolai,

The combination of those two rules is not working, since it yields anyone who has purchased anything since Jan 1 2017. How can I specifiy who has purchased product X during a specific time period?



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Richard

I am affraid that is not possible. Sorry about that.

BR Nicolai

Richard  D. Lee
Richard D. Lee

Thanks Nicolai. Not the news I was looking for. Do you think that 9.3 or another version will be able to address this issue? Is there any workaround within our platform to achieve this?


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Richard

We do not have room in the current roadmap to include it. And it will be a difficult change. So the answer would be no... Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai


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