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DW9: Itemrelationlist select page issue

Marie Louise Veigert

Hi DW,

Im having an issue in Dynamicweb 9.2.11.

I have a websitesettings item which have a field with an item 'About us'. The item have a field of the type 'Itemrelationlist' containing an item 'Page'.

The result is the editor have a list in websitesettings where he/she can pick pages of the item 'Page'.

It is possible, but the itemrealtionlist doesn't contain the fields from the item 'Page' like the name and the link.

At the same time the links in the list is blank. (See attached)


Marie Louise




Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

You can configure which fields to show on the list on the definition of that field. See screendump.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Marie Louise Veigert

I have another problem.

The item 'Page' is used as a page. I would like to get the URL the page have. But I can't acces it, when it's in the relationlist?



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