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Index GetProductsFromIndexQuery SQLException

António Ramos
António Ramos


When we filter by three parameters and PageSize=99999 (show all products) we get an SQL Exception ("The server supports a maximum of 2100 parameters"). Anyone had experienced any similar?

Our SQL server is very affected when we set PageSize=99999 and try to retrieve around 400 products from index. 

DW Version:


António Ramos



António Ramos
António Ramos

Other question:

Is there any way to return all products from index (without pagination)?

Nicolai Pedersen

You can use the query publisher that return data directly from index - that will bypass stuff like price calculations etc.

That said - do not do this. It will only give problems. You do not want 400 products in one go - you should really consider designing this differently.

BR Nicolai

António Ramos
António Ramos

Hi Nicolai,

Just to make sure i understand correctly, you are saying that we shouldn't allow to show all products in product list, is this correct?

Other thing:

We have Live Integration to get prices, stock and other data from NAV. Displaying product list via query publisher will allow to keep doing this? 



António Ramos

Nicolai Pedersen

Using query publisher will only give you raw index data and not the ecommerce logic.

Looking closer at your stack, I can tell it has to do with stock calculations - and not from rendering 400 products.

António Ramos
António Ramos

Good morning Nicolai,

Thanks for your answer. Which options do we have to list all products?


António Ramos

Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Loading them in batch using ajax as the page scrolls.

Again - Why would you load 400 products?

Votes for this answer: 1
António Ramos
António Ramos

It's client requirement. Ajax looks a good option. Let's see what client thinks.

Thanks for your help,

António Ramos

Nicolai Pedersen

I had a client that wanted to jump off the roof. I told him not to because he would probably die. He then did not jump, is alive and happy, not dead...


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