I forbindelse med oprettelse af omada.net med 3 websites for ét domæne er vi løbet ind i nogle udfordringer med at kunne følge vores Best Practice.
Vi har nogle kunder, som ønsker flere sproglag på samme domæne uden at skulle benytte subdomæner. Vores best practice i den forbindelse er at oprette websites med hvert sit sproglag, så kunden kan strukturere deres websites forskelligt og ikke bundet af et website med forskellige sproglag.
Udfordringen består i at kunne trække sitemap.xml for det enkelte website/sproglag. Vi har skrevet til jeres support på sagsnr: CAS-01829-K5J8C1, hvor problematikken er belyst.
Derfor har vi følgende Change Request til Dynamicweb, hvor sitemap er et forretningskritisk problem.
For at følge vores Best Practice, skal der for hvert nedenstående website kunne trækkes en selvstændig sitemap ud.
Vi ønsker en hurtigt tilbagemelding, da omada.net allerede er lanceret med manglende sitemap for hhv. tysk og dansk website/sproglag.
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Hi Søren
Yes - we have the request from other partners as well and is aware of this. We do not have any firm plans it yet though, so I cannot make any promises for you at this time.
Also I think the solution will be to have a sitemap.xml in the root of the domain containing all the pages from the 3 languages.
Please note that these forums is in English - thank you.
Hi Nicolai
Thank you for the answer.
I'm sorry to hear, that you dont plan on fixinf this issue, because we have recommended this for our customer and it is a problem with missing sitemap.xml for some of the domains.
Do you have an idea to have we can fix this issue/problem without bindind to domains / subdomains?
Hi Søren
You would just need on sitemap.xml in the root of the domain and make sure that all pages you want in that context comes out. It is not that simple because there is a lot of things to take into consideration.
You could probably disable Dynamicweb generated sitemap.xml, create a page in Dynamicweb, name it Sitemap.xml in the exact URL and set response type to XML, create a layout template that does nothing but having a number of DwNavigation tags/calls with different areaid and a template that renders valid sitemap.xml xml....
BR Nicolai
Hi Nicolai
That could be a solution. Do you by any chance have such an sitemap.xml template? cuz then I will implement it in DW.
kindly regards
Hi Søren
It will look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="no" indent="yes" encoding="utf-8" />
<xsl:template match="/NavigationTree">
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">
<xsl:apply-templates select="//Page">
<xsl:template match="//Page[@FriendlyHref!='' and @FriendlyHref!='/']">
<xsl:if test="@ShowInSitemap='True'">
<xsl:element name="url" xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" >
<xsl:value-of select="@FriendlyHref"/>
Hi Nicolai
Do you have any news to share about this feature being implemented as a standard feature in DW?
If yes, do you have a release number you are working towards?
Hi Jonathan
We have no firm plans yet on changing it for the 9.5 release. I know it can be improved and will consider it for 9.6 release. Using sub folders with sitemap.xml is not high on my list as it can also be in the root when things are in the same domain. It sust complicates settings further with no SEO benefit at all.
Unless you created a website with bad navigation sitemap.xml is hardly needed. Those Google guys are clever, and they even say when it might make sense to use sitemaps.xml:
I know experts says they are super important at all times - but their income is to say that. I bet that the time is better spend creating better content and better navigation... In my humble opinion. Sorry!
BR Nicolai
Hi again Nicolai
Thank you for your honest opinion about this case and for a quick reply!
I've informed my client about version 9.6, that it might be included if you choose to implement it. I also included your comment about SEO.
I leave it up to the client to decide if they want a custom solution or not.
Has this been a part of the releases yet?
Best regards, Anders
Nope - go custom and do whatever you need:
BR Nicolai