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Issue when copying a page

Daniel Linder

A site we got from a client is on DW and

is their urls. Now our customer tried and copied the page "HansenracingRetailer" and then on the first page "Startsida" we have a module "KampanjProdukter".

In this module we list a "Rotation Page", but whatever method we try, DW is saving somewhere the old page id so the rotating content always shows from the first site.

In our test environment we have tried to remove that module and add it again, making the issue go away, but now suddenly it doesn't work anymore. 

So where in a DW database does DW save the information on a pagelink?

This is such a strange issue...


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Daniel,
if you are using the custom module and put them on paragraph it stores the settings in the table [Paragraph] column [ParagraphModuleSettings] so when you are copying the page this column content is just copied "as is" so the same module settings will be shown on the copied page. Maybe you can look on this article and check you are saving/updating the module settings in your custom module.
Regards, Dmitrij


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