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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Getimage – scaling bicubic instead of bilinear?

Getimage – scaling bicubic instead of bilinear?

Søren Horsbøll Hansen

Is it possible to overwrite the scaling-method in the getimage-function to use bicubic scaling instead of (what seems to be) bilinear?

Specifically we scale images on a car-dealership website and the fine lines/curves on the cars, appear very jaggy and subpar compared to a bicubic scaling.

Our image (bilinear):

Desired result (bicubic):

Note the difference in the line going from the back-rear taillight to the wheel.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Søren

The underlying image component does support it, so it can be made an option to use a specific method. We currently use an auto mode, that will decide based on the image type and compression which to use.

I'll add it to the whishlist.

BR Nicolai

Søren Horsbøll Hansen

Hi Nicolai.

Absolutely perfect. Thank you for the fast reply.

Best regards.


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