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Newsletter receipient issue

Peter Leleulya

We have a production DW solution with a Silver Premium license with an email marketing receipient upgrade to 50.000+ receipients.
When an email is created and user group for receipients is selected the system shows there are 500 receipients in that group, but in reality there are 11180 receipients in that group.
Will the email be sent to only 500 of them? And if so, why?
Or is there a presentation issue in the CMS? And will the mail be sent to all 11180?
Or is there an issue that there are currently 54.000+ receipients which exceeds 50.000? But then why only 500 and not 50.000?

See attachments.


Capture_NewsletterReceipients_11180.PNG Capture_NewsletterReceipients_500.PNG Capture_Newsletter_License.PNG


Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Are you maybe running into this?

Also, make sure your subscribers have email permissions turned on.


Peter Leleulya

That might be the same issue. Didn't find that one ...
All addresses have AccessUserNewsletterAllowed set to true.
Thanks for the feedback.


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