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User Permissions - False notification of no permissions

Peter Leleulya

Hi folks,

In a DW solution I have permissions on folders in the Files section.
When the currently logged in backend user does NOT have permissions for a folder, the Upload button in that folder is grayed-out and disabled.
When the currently logged in backend user DOES have permissions for a folder, the Upload button in that folder is NOT grayed-out and enabled.

So far so good.

When the currently logged in backend user DOES have permissions for a folder and uses the Upload button the popup shows a warning "No write permissions to /Files/..."
But the upload funcitonality DOES work, so it seems to be a false warning ...... or isn't it and am i missing something and is there a way to get rid of it?
Our client gets calls from content editors about it, they think they don't have permission and don't even bother to try it ...

See attachment



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Peter

We will check it out. Send to QA for verification.

 BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov


I've checked out test environmet based on and have good results with simple scheme permission - , the same results are when the user takes permission either thru its group or the permissions of the test folder are inherited from parent(s). Thw same results are on last DW8 ( as well.

Could you please clarify the user permission scheme on the folder.

BR, Oleg QA      

Peter Leleulya

Thanks for checking Oleg.
Do you mean these files folder settings?

Capture_FolderPermissions_All.PNG Capture_FolderPermissions_BackendUser_Noord-Brabant.PNG
Oleg Rodionov


Hmm, it seems to be the same as I've used. Perhaps, your user belongs to several groups have different permissions in etc. Please, initially check your solution with simple scenario like my one. 

BR, Oleg QA  


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