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Frontend Editing Save button dissapeared in Dynamicweb 9

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


We have a Client who uses the Frontend Editing quite a lot, and since updating to Dynamicweb 9, the save button for front end editing is not available. This must be a bug`?





Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Hans

Sent to QA for verification. We will get back.

BR Nicolai

Oleg Rodionov

Hi Hans,

I've checked the issue on our test environment based on last DW (accessible to download) and was not able to reproduce it, please find the proof -

First off all, try to re-save default configuration used of the editor (e.g. Default etc) if the issue still exists on your side. 

BR, Oleg QA

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


We are working on the same version as your example, and I have tried different configurations.

I got it to work using the advanced.js configuration flie

But If you eg. use the configuration file developer.js, you don´t get the save option. Also when I try to configure a simple editor with the GUI, I don´t get a Save button.

Is this because it is configurable? I have looked into the advanced.js configuration file (where the save is available in frontend editing ) and the developer.js (where save is not available in frontend editing), but don´t see anything that indicates turn on or off the save button

Can you please help clarify what turns on and of this option in manual configuration via checkmarks, and in configuration file?



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Hans

Yes, that is a Dynamicweb specific plugin. So you need to remember to include that in your config.


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