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Search engine index always running

Yung Yi Wong

The search engine index hangs on a site and is currently always busy/running is there a different option to manually stop the search engine index then restart application pool of the server and put the site offline??



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Yung

How do you see this? From repositories you can see if an index is running. In the logfile section you can see what happens in the index. You should probably have a look at your scheduled tasks if any of them runs the index or an import runs often and triggers a reindex.

BR Nicolai

Yung Yi Wong

How I see this is because I can't execute update index at all.

This isn't the repositories search update. I'm talking about the Management Center>System>Searching>Products index, its busy and can't stop or manually start the proces.

Nicolai Pedersen

Well, it is still a scheduled task that handles that... Or an import that triggers it.

Check you configuration. If that does not give you any pointers, you would have to create a case in the service desk.


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