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AD Integration - get users from specific groups

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


When using the Dynamicweb AD Integration it's possible to set the web.config setting "GroupsToSkip" to the groups that you don't want to import to DW. But this list can be very long and it is necessary to maintain this list when new groups you don't want in DW are created in AD. So is it possible to configure the AD Integration to just import user from specific named AD usergroups?


Nicolai Pedersen

You can use "LimitToGroups" setting instead to specify a positive list instead.

BR Nicolai

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Hi Nicolai

In the code that I have downloaded from here there is no "LimitToGroups" setting in any of the code files. Isn't it the code that is supposed to be used for AD Integration?

Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

I just updated the zip - the old one called _old and then a new one with this update.

Votes for this answer: 1
Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen

Man that is perfect, thanks :-)


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