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Sharing content between websites using translations

Alec Stubbs

Hi folks,

We're building a new site that has 90% the same pages that an existing site has. One site is for the UK and one is for Ireland. I've tried using the translations feature as a way to manage the two sites. The exisitng UK site is the main one and the new Ireland site is the translated copy however the problem is that I need to create some pages that are Ireland only. I can't create any new pages in the Ireland version for some reason. I've used the translation feature a few years ago for a different website and I'm sure there were options to allow this but I can't figure out how to do it now.

Any help would be much appreciated.





Nuno Aguiar
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Alec,


They are in

For DW8 Management Center > Control Panel > Modules > Language Management


For DW9 Settings > Control Panel > Language Management


I personally prefer languages not have the ability to create pages or paragraphs. You can always create them in UK and deactivate them, and have it be active in the Ireland website.


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

Votes for this answer: 1


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