Hi Im using Variants for the first time in DW 8. can anyone advise the best way to do this using the DW API's available methods:
VariantOptionId = "VO1"
LanguageId = "LANG1"
ProductName = "AProductName"
VariantGroup selectedVariantGroup = VariantGroup.GetGroupByOptionId(VariantOptionId );
List<Product> products = Product.GetProductsByVariantGroup(selectedVariantGroup).Where(n => n.LanguageID == LanguageId && n.Name == ProductName).ToList();
products = products.? now filter the product list for products with the variant option = VariantOptionId
ProductCollection productsByNameAndLanguage = Product.GetProductsByNameAndLanguage(ProductName, LanguageId);
Product masterProduct = productsByNameAndLanguage.Select(n => n).Where(m => m.IsVariantMaster).FirstOrDefault();
ProductCollection ProductsAndVariantsByProduct = Product.GetProductsAndVariantsByProduct(masterProduct);
now filter the product list for products with the variant option = VariantOptionId ??
foreach (var p in ProductsAndVariantsByProduct.Where(n=>!n.IsVariantMaster))
VariantCombinationCollection productCombinations = p.VariantCombinations;
foreach(var comb in productCombinations)
comb.VariantOptions is always null ??
Looking at values passed from the api it seems each product has all the Variants from the system, and not related to the conserned product
any help appreciated.