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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Active AddIns
Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Hi there,

It seems that in Dynamicweb 9 scheduled task addins (and maybe others) must have these two attributes applied in order for them to show up in the UI:


Is that by design? Or maybe an overly strict change to how activation is handled? Here's the code that's causing it in AddInManager.cs:

        public static bool GetAddInActive(Type addInType)
            foreach (AddInActiveAttribute attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(addInType, typeof(AddInActiveAttribute)))
                return attr.Active;
            return false;

If no attribute exists, false is returned by default. This caught me by surprise as previously the attributes weren't required.

Also, what's the purpose of these attributes? Why would you set Active to false? Wouldn't that be the same as just removing the code for it altogether when redeploying?





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