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Google Analytics code breaks paragraph navigation

Terri Donahue
Terri Donahue

We have a situation where GA code is placed in marketing emails and it breaks the paragraph navigation. Clicking the link takes you to the page rather than the specific paragraph. The solution is running version Is this expected behavior.


Nicolai Pedersen
Hi Terri I am not sure I understand - can you show some dumps on how this is included. It sounds like an error in the implementation. Or in GA.
Kirsten Clemens

Hi Nicolai,

We add links without any tracking to our newsletter page and add the tracking on the email draft. I've attached a few screenshots of some of our emails' tracking settings (Edit Email > Advanced > Measuring > Tracking > Google Analytics option).

Here's an example of a URL that is generated with those settings applied to a link with paragraph navigation that is broken (this link was copied from a sent email where all other tracking links worked):

The email's edraft settings mirror the attachment with no campaign content (I think I screenshotted a different campaign, but same type of thing). The URL used on the newsletter page was:

I hope this information helps. Let me know if I can provide anything else.


LorenzExampleNoCampaignContent.JPG LorenzExampleWithCampaignContent.JPG


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