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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Dynamicweb.Content.PageService.GetPagesByParentID(int parentId) fails if parentid page does not exist

Dynamicweb.Content.PageService.GetPagesByParentID(int parentId) fails if parentid page does not exist

Lars Larsen
Lars Larsen


Dynamicweb.Content.PageService.GetPagesByParentID(int parentId) fails with a .Net error (Object reference not set to an instance of an object) if parentid page does not exist. Could you fix it so that the method returns an empty IEnumerable<Page> collection if the parentid page does not exist?7

Running DW v9.2.8


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Lars

I've made a fix so it returns nothing when the pageid does not exist. That would be a better solution.

In your code, check for null.

Will be in the next hotfix for 9.2

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