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Forum » CMS - Standard features » User Group size limit? [SOLVED]

User Group size limit? [SOLVED]

Daniel Linder

Hi, we are using DW for a customer and it seems as if there is some weird limitation on a usergroup.

In the overview of the group, it says that the group contains 640 users

But when you click on any of the users in the group to check the details, it says the group contains only 500. This seems to reflect back to the page since it is always missing 140users when we are using a loop for all users.

Any thoughts on why this is?


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Daniel

That is a known bug related to TFS#30710 which is in 8.9.2 which will be released Tuesday.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Daniel Linder

Ok good to know! Thank you so much for this quick info!

Daniel Linder

Hi just a question; aproximately when do you intend to upload the fix?

Nicolai Pedersen

Today is Tuesday - so today. QA team just told me it is ready to be build - test have been finalized.


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