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Edit user details when using Password security settings

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I have this scenario where the applicatio is set to have a specific password security setting. Number of character, lowercase and uppercase etc. The security setting is the built in one, nothing custom about it.

The users are supposed to always be impersonated. In order to avoid accidental direct login, the users don;t have a password set on their account as they are generated during integration jobs.

My problem is related to edit account functionality.

Even if I try to edit just the address or simply just the name, it does not seem to work with the regular module. I was wondering if this might be related to the combination of empty password field + password security setting. In the front-end I get no error whatsoever. The form submits to itself but nothing happens.




Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Adrian

In the edit template there is a loop of errors. Could you check if they say something - it might be some validation that causes the user to not be saved.

BR Nicolai


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