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Server timeouts caused by the DynamicLead tool

Justin Breg

Hi Dynamicweb,

We have an installation where the dynamiclead tool is activated which causes a massive 15Gb+ database.

Because of the big database, the website gets a lot of timeout errors when accessing the extranet and the marketing section if they try to run an user related export which includes x amount of logins per user etc..

Do you have any advice on how we can reduce the size of the database or prevent the timeouts?

The installation is running DW version


Thanks in advance,



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Justin

Which table is getting big? You should make sure to keep the stat tables down. Make sure that you delete old data from Statv2session and statv2object tables. In later versions of DW8, there is a page in the MC from where you can do that.

BR Nicolai


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