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Itemlist -> Itemrelationlist

Mikkel Casper

Hi there

I have a major issue with a DW 8.9 solution, for one of our clients. An issue that became present with an upgrade from DW 8.8 to 8.9.

The main issue is the search-functionality in the administration, which times out when searching "free-text", string-search. 

We have had a lot of back-and-forth with you, and now it seems that the timeout is caused by the use of "itemlist", which has been deprecated, and the issue should solve itself if we - or the client - replaces all itemlists with itemrelationlists. Then - no more timeout.

It is a major issue for the client, and it is not an option to upgrade to DW 9 for the time being.

The issue is that itemlist is used on roughly the half of 4000 pages and items on the solution, so a manual replacement is not an option either.

How can we solve this issue?

Please advise.


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Mikkel

I've asked the service desk to contact you so we can get this sorted out.

BR Nicolai


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