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PDF=True - Unicode characters

Ricardo Pereira
Ricardo Pereira

Hi All,

I'm trying download a PDF file with the parameter "pdf=true".
The page that should be rendered have some unicode characters, and the PDF is being rendered with strange characters. 
Example: ™ is rendered as "â„¢".

Did someone have this problem?


Thank you,

Ricardo Pereira


Morten Bengtson Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Bengtson
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Ricardo,

The PDF renderer (ABCpdf) can be a little quirky sometimes.

Make sure that you have a <meta charset="utf-8"> as the first element in the head of your html

You might need to check if your template files are saved with utf-8 encoding. If you transfer templates to the server using an FTP client you need to make sure that it handles encoding correct (filezilla has always worked for me).

Votes for this answer: 1
Ricardo Pereira
Ricardo Pereira

Thank you Morten!

Nicolai Pedersen

Agreed - he is a bit pale :-)


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