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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Rendering items directly in a template with 'Show on paragraph'

Rendering items directly in a template with 'Show on paragraph'

Harald Brouwers


Short question; I'm rendering items in a template as described here:

Can I specify a 'Show on paragraph' in the template where the item details are shown? Just like the option in the module settings of the ItemPublisher:

I tried:
IncludeParagraphItems = true,
DetailsTemplate = "ItemPublisher/Details/Details.cshtml",
DetailsParagraph = "32"

But that didn't work.

Greetings Harald


Nicolai Pedersen

According to the docs, you cannot. But the setting is called "ShowOnParagraph" so try adding that to your settings passed to the publisher.

BR Nicolai

Harald Brouwers

Hi Nicolai,

Unfortunately that didnt work. For the moment I'm building a custom URL with the pageid which contains the itempublisher I want for the itemdetails.

Greetings Harald


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