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checkout handler Quickpay md5

Thomas Jensen


to fix "self referral" for Google Analytics through QuickPay, a QueryString variable needs added "utm_nooverride=1" to all return urls

and I tried two add it in the template

<input type="hidden" name="continueurl" value="<!--@QuickPay3.continueurl-->&utm_nooverride=1" />
<input type="hidden" name="cancelurl" value="<!--@QuickPay3.cancelurl-->&utm_nooverride=1" />
<input type="hidden" name="callbackurl" value="<!--@QuickPay3.callbackurl-->&utm_nooverride=1" />

but it does not work, because the md5 is generated without the added Querystring

<input type="hidden" name="md5check" value="<!--@QuickPay3.md5check-->" />

How can I add this QueryString variable to the return url's
or how can I re-generated the md5 in the template



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