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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Backend login user messed up with the frontend user

Backend login user messed up with the frontend user

Sander Veltman


When an frontend user is authenticated in the frontend shop and we are logging in with the administrator in the backend (same browser, with an other tab) the frontend user is logged in at the backend.

We are using Dynamic Web core version

Is this a known issue?

Regards Sander


Nicolai Pedersen

A user can be able to login in both backend and frontend. Depending on the setting on the user. So you might want to check that.

Can you show me a dump of what you mean?

BR Nicolai

Sander Veltman

Hi Nicolai ,

Thank you for your reply.

Last week we changed the core several times and at this moment I can't reproduce the problem anymore.

If the problem occurs again I will check the backend authorization property in DW.

Thank you for your support. 

Regards Sander


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