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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Generated password in usermanagement does not match password level in MC

Generated password in usermanagement does not match password level in MC

Per Søgaard

When generating a password for a new user in Usermanagement it does not contain numbers even though it is set as a requirement in MC settings.


Morten Buhl Dynamicweb Employee
Morten Buhl

Hi Per

Thanks for the report. I've bugged it as TFS-29667

/Morten Buhl, DW

Kristian Kirkholt Dynamicweb Employee
Kristian Kirkholt

Hi Per

The problem TFS#29667 user password has now been fixed in version 9.2.11

You are able to find this build in the download section:

Please contact Dynamicweb Support if you need any additional help regarding this.

Kind Regards
Dynamicweb Support
Kristian Kirkholt


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