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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Users > Group Admins - Not possible to assign groups as admins

Users > Group Admins - Not possible to assign groups as admins

Peter Munkholm


This is quite an annoyence, when you have large numbers of admins and content editors with backend login. Some have to have access to the user management module, in order to change details on user profiles. But only user profiles in a specific group.

In order to lock out users in a particular group from editing profiles in all other groups but one, you have to edit all other groups seperately, and add every single user from their oppropriate admin groups as group admins one by one.

If a new user is created in one of the admin groups, the process must be repeated for that sigle user. If goups was assigned, you would already enherit the group rights. No further action would be needed.

Why is this so?



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