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Forms for editors - secure/encrypted emails

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


We have a costumer who asks if it is possible to send encrypted emails with Forms for editors. Can this be done in some way? The thing is, the data in the forms email will be somewhat sensitive data, or at least data they want to secure. Can this be done and if yes, how can it be done? Is there any documentation that I can deliver to the costumer for their IT department to see and approve?


regards, Hans


Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Hans

It is not a simple task.

If you need to secure the entire communication line you need to do at least these things:

  1. Use SSL on the website (To ensure form post is send encrypted to the server)
  2. Aquire a certificate for signing the mail (can be done in a notification subscriber) - but you need the certificate to be installed on the server (maybe also aquired from)
  3. Encrypt the mail using code
  4. Send the mail using a TLS (you can do that using Sendgrid and other providers)
  5. Dynamicweb stores form values in the database unencrypted. You have to validate that is ok - if not, find a way to handle that.

If it is not strictly needed to send an email with the content, but merely an email with a link to that content (that is then kept behind login and SSL), the job could be more simple. Then you can do it only using a SSL certificate on the server - and in that way not rely on custom code.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1
Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall


we will look into making a solution where the email is a notifier, but the data will be collected by logging in.


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