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New index: Search items

Thomas Schroll


I'm having trouble figuring out the new index. In Dw 9.1.1 I have a page displaying a lot of page items using the Item Publisher app. The template contains a search field. If I use the field to search the title of the items, the search is working fine. If I setup a new index with the name of the search field as parameter and one of the fields in the item as expression the search is not working. If I setup a similar index with eCom the search works just fine. I have read all the help and getting started posts on, but they all use eCom as example.

Can anybody tell me how I tell DW to use the item index on a page (with Item publisher)? Should I use another app? Is there a help document on how to setup search in items?

Regards Thomas


Nicolai Pedersen

You cannot use the indexing engine for Item publisher (yet)

You have to use the querypublisher instead.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai

Is QueryPublisher a module? Can I add it myself or should I ask support?

Regards Thomas

Thomas Schroll

Hi Nicolai

Do you know when the indexing engine will be available for Item Publisher?

I'm trying to make a media db like feature, where all files are created as items. I use the same item type for all files and I have organized the files in content folders. My problem is, that I cannot limit the search to a content folder because the folder does not have a page id and I would prefer not to have an extra checkbox (category) on the item, because I already have the items organized. In query publisher module I do not have the possibility to limit the search to a folder as in the item publisher module.

Regards Thomas

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Thomas

I have no firm plans for enabling it yet. Will look at the possibility to introduce that feature in a near release.

BR Nicolai

Thomas Schroll

Thanks Nicolai

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

+1 for this.

Question just to be sure -  it is not possible to index Items in standard Dynamicweb as it is now?

Thomas Schroll

Hi Hans

It is, but you need to either use the built in for ItemPublisher (Name etc. - not setup via Repositories) or the module QueryPublisher.

Regards Thomas

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

Hi THomas

thanx for your reply

Ok, just so I am sure what you mean. I can use items and repositories with the QueryPublisher, is this correct?

If so, where does this solution "come short", or what are the disadvantages of doing this?


regards, Hans

Thomas Schroll

Correct. In ItemPublisher you can select which type of item you wish to show. In QueryPublisher you need to set that up in the query, which mean that you cannot use the same query for multiple item types. Also you cannot override queries in QueryPublisher and you cannot select the location of the items on the paragraph (you need to make an expression targeting parent page id, which is not as usefull as selecting the page on the paragraph).

Regards Thomas

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

@Nicolai, still no news on enabling search og ItemPublisher as with Product Catalogue?

@Thomas, how can I select the TopLevel pageId to search under? In the Query, I can only see ParentId, but that won´t do as I have a deeper structure (4 levels)

Ragards Hans

Thomas Schroll

Hi Hans

I'm not sure if that is doable. My approach is to add search or filter fields to the item type, and use those in the query. That way the page (or folder) structure becomes a matter of ux structure in the backend, and not important to the search frontend.

Regards Thomas

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

ok, thank you Thomas

By the way, do you create different queries for your different categories, and publish the results using querypublisher as in one paragraph per category?

Thomas Schroll

Hi Hans

Yes, exactly. It gets complicated real fast if you have many categories, but it is not that difficult to set up.

Regards Thomas


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